

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月28日15:34  新浪娱乐





  Acrobatics in China has a history of more than thousands of years. “Splendid!” represents the unremitting pursuit of China National Acrobatic Troupe for the traditional Chinese culture and top level of acrobatic arts. The show grants the traditional acrobatic arts with brand new elements by implementing modern techniques. Through this soul touching experience, the concept of “Great acrobatics with vigorous artistic life” has been fully interpreted.

  Founded in 1950, China National Acrobatic Troupe is the only national level acrobatic performing troupe established under the direct concerning of Primer Zhou Enlai after the founding of new China. Till now, China National Acrobatic Troupe has won 45 gold medals in a variety of international and domestic competitions. So far, it has visited more than 113 countries and regions in the world. Its spirits of absorbing, developing and innovating acrobatic art has won applause from all over the world.

  Beijing International Art School founded by China National Acrobatic Troupe is not only the cradle of acrobats, but also a professional training school for dancing, Chinese Kongfu and film performance. It gradually becomes a global and comprehensive well known school domestically and internationally.

  After successfully transformed into a culture enterprise, China National Acrobatic Troupe is now dedicated with unremitting efforts toward its aim – An influential international acrobatic performing troupe.


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